Michele Fazio


Senior Associate, Chief Financial Officer


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“To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow.” — Audrey Hepburn

What advice would you give to someone who is new to the field?
Maintain your passion for design, but don’t ignore the business side of the practice. Bringing great design to life is not just about putting the design on paper, but it is also about sharing the story and the ideas behind your design to your client and the end users. Part of cultivating a successful relationship with your client is maintaining open lines of communication. Be honest regarding expectations and responsibilities on both sides of the table.

How have you seen diversity, equity and inclusion translated in the AEC industry? What would you like to see moving forward?
Not being a designer myself, my experience is more outside looking in – I find greater care in the design language I hear and the thoughts I see expressed when discussing the design process and decisions. I look forward to seeing how we can turn this opportunity and responsibility into action.

What hobbies/activities do you enjoy outside of work?
Baking! I love to bake any chance I get. I am fascinated by the science behind it and comforted by the time spent in a warm kitchen creating something delicious (if all goes well) to share. I also enjoy gardening. There is just something great about getting outside and really connecting to the earth. I spend all day in front of spreadsheets and contracts, outside of work I need to feed my soul.

Education: Bachelor of Arts, Sociology, UC Santa Barbara