Earl Wilson





“If architecture is any good, a person who looks and listens will feel its good effects without noticing.” — Carlo Scarpa

How do you see style and design coming together in architecture?
Architecture needs to have style. Good design in architecture should have character and identity. Architecture is different from other art forms in the way it involves the making of space, but style can still come into play in terms of the overall look and feel, its character defining features, whether a building is light or heavy, dark or light, clean or rustic. Proportions, materials, colors and details all contribute to this sense of style.

What is a building that has inspired you?
A modern holiday home in Devon England by Peter Zumthor is an inspiration. The idea of the building and the outdoor spaces it creates are so inextricably tied to its location and sense of place. There is surprise and delight as you enter and move through space, as well as real sense of awe and the sublime. There is a beautiful interplay of shadow and light on the home appropriate to the location which also provide real depth, and the materials are both appropriate to the site and exquisite.

What has been your most exciting project at BAR?
My favorite project always seems to be the current project I am working on. Each new project has the promise and opportunity of inspiration, design and creating a very special new place to captivate the imagination at the time. That said, a residence overlooking the Pacific Ocean at Pebble Beach continues to be both an inspiration and touch point for a lot of the things I care about in architecture and design.

Education: B.Arch., University of Oregon; Denmark International Studies, Foreign Program

Licenses & Accreditations: Licensed Architect, California

Organizations & Memberships: Society of American Archivists; American Association of Museums; American Institute of Architects, San Francisco