Brian Cronin

Architect, Associate & Digital Design Manager



“Successful architecture is less about style and most about eliciting the most human of emotions – surprise, delight, and at least a little bit of curiosity.”

We have been working towards a more sustainable future. How have you focused on sustainability?
Walkable, mixed-use buildings near transit – especially those built on underutilized or brownfield sites are fundamentally the most sustainable type of new housing. Making them places where people actually want to live while tackling constraints head-on and getting them built in good time.

What hobbies/activities do you enjoy outside of work?
My partner and I enjoy cultivating our various fruit and vegetable plants – the more exotic, the better. However, I spend the balance of my time working on increasingly ambitious home DIY projects.

What advice would you give to a new architect?
Learn early how buildings actually go together; visit construction sites; be curious how building systems are configured; talk to and learn from those who work in the field. You will be a better designer once you understand the physicality of the materials we build with.

Your favorite building in SF and why:
Two that I’ll go out of my way to pass by are The William Westerfeld house on Alamo Square for its sheer street presence and aura of mystery and The California Academy of Sciences for its incredible undulating green roof and elegant detailing.

Education: B.Arch, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo

Licenses & Accreditations: Licensed Architect, California